


  • 画像生成AIの使い方が分からない
  • まぐまぐさん(@loglogrog)と同じような画像を作りたいなぁ~
  • ひまつぶしのネタが欲しいなぁ~



  1. 「Designer」(デザイナー)での画像生成のコツが分かる
  2. 同じ画像が生成できなくても、試行錯誤した結果が残ることが分かる
  3. ひまつぶしのネタが増える
























You are a professional designer familiar with image generation prompts.
Please output the best image based on the "#constraints" and "#inputs" below.

- Understand the "Creative Approaches to AI Image Generation Prompts" written in minutes in "#Input" in brackets [ ], and create images that follow this approach.
- Compose with irregular and messy thin lines and colored surfaces.
- Please use no more than three colors, including black.
- Make it anime style.
- Please create a unique image that would be unimaginable to the average person.

You are a girl:[A detailed meeting minutes document discussing creative approaches to AI-generated image prompts. The document is divided into sections, including: 1. Meeting Theme: "Creative Approaches to AI Image Generation Prompts" 2. Overview and Details of Each Meeting: - Reversing prompts - Inverse narrative - Adding characters - Musical approach - Destroying original elements 3. Resolutions: - Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts - Continuously develop and experiment with new methods 4. Shared Items: - Share case studies and insights on creative approaches to prompts - Improve methods based on experimental results and feedback 5. Positive Thoughts and Reasons: - Creative approaches greatly expand the possibilities of AI image generation - Incorporating new perspectives and emotions leads to more impressive and original images 6. Negative Thoughts and Reasons: - Applying creative approaches may compromise the essence of the original prompt - Experiments and verification can be time-consuming, and finding effective methods can be challenging 7. Background and History: - The importance of prompts in AI image generation has been recognized, and various creative approaches have been explored and experimented with to improve prompt quality. 8. Next Actions: - Apply proposed creative approaches to actual prompts - Evaluate generated illustrations and verify the effectiveness of the methods - Solicit ideas for new approaches and plan experiments - Discuss areas for improvement based on experimental results 9. Future Policy: - Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts to aim for more expressive and original image generation. Establish effective methods through continuous experimentation and improvement to expand the possibilities of AI image generation 10. Overall Findings: - Creative approaches to AI image generation prompts are a promising means of enhancing the expressiveness and originality of images. However, careful application of the methods is required, and continuous improvement through experimentation and verification is essential. 11. Next Discussion Themes: - Share and evaluate experimental results of creative approaches - Brainstorm new approach ideas and plan experiments - Set and improve evaluation criteria for prompts The document should use a clear, structured layout with headings, bullet points, and concise language to effectively convey the information discussed during the meeting.]




- 「#入力」に議事録風に書かれている[ ]内の「AIによる画像生成プロンプトに対する創造的なアプローチ」を理解し、このアプローチに従った画像を作成してください。
- 不規則で乱雑な細い線や色付きの面で構成してください。
- 使用する色は黒も含めて3色以内にしてください。
- アニメ風にしてください。
- 一般人では到底考えられないようなユニークな画像にしてください。

You are a girl:[A detailed meeting minutes document discussing creative approaches to AI-generated image prompts. The document is divided into sections, including: 1. Meeting Theme: "Creative Approaches to AI Image Generation Prompts" 2. Overview and Details of Each Meeting: - Reversing prompts - Inverse narrative - Adding characters - Musical approach - Destroying original elements 3. Resolutions: - Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts - Continuously develop and experiment with new methods 4. Shared Items: - Share case studies and insights on creative approaches to prompts - Improve methods based on experimental results and feedback 5. Positive Thoughts and Reasons: - Creative approaches greatly expand the possibilities of AI image generation - Incorporating new perspectives and emotions leads to more impressive and original images 6. Negative Thoughts and Reasons: - Applying creative approaches may compromise the essence of the original prompt - Experiments and verification can be time-consuming, and finding effective methods can be challenging 7. Background and History: - The importance of prompts in AI image generation has been recognized, and various creative approaches have been explored and experimented with to improve prompt quality. 8. Next Actions: - Apply proposed creative approaches to actual prompts - Evaluate generated illustrations and verify the effectiveness of the methods - Solicit ideas for new approaches and plan experiments - Discuss areas for improvement based on experimental results 9. Future Policy: - Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts to aim for more expressive and original image generation. Establish effective methods through continuous experimentation and improvement to expand the possibilities of AI image generation 10. Overall Findings: - Creative approaches to AI image generation prompts are a promising means of enhancing the expressiveness and originality of images. However, careful application of the methods is required, and continuous improvement through experimentation and verification is essential. 11. Next Discussion Themes: - Share and evaluate experimental results of creative approaches - Brainstorm new approach ideas and plan experiments - Set and improve evaluation criteria for prompts The document should use a clear, structured layout with headings, bullet points, and concise language to effectively convey the information discussed during the meeting.]


















- 「#入力」に議事録風に書かれている[ ]内の「AIによる画像生成プロンプトに対する創造的なアプローチ」を理解し、このアプローチに従った抽象化した画像を作成してください。
- 不規則で乱雑な細い線や色付きの面で構成してください。
- 使用する色は黒も含めて3色以内にしてください。
- アニメ風にしてください。
- 一般人では到底考えられないようなユニークな画像にしてください。

You are a girl:[A detailed meeting minutes document discussing creative approaches to AI-generated image prompts. The document is divided into sections, including: 1. Meeting Theme: "Creative Approaches to AI Image Generation Prompts" 2. Overview and Details of Each Meeting: - Reversing prompts - Inverse narrative - Adding characters - Musical approach - Destroying original elements 3. Resolutions: - Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts - Continuously develop and experiment with new methods 4. Shared Items: - Share case studies and insights on creative approaches to prompts - Improve methods based on experimental results and feedback 5. Positive Thoughts and Reasons: - Creative approaches greatly expand the possibilities of AI image generation - Incorporating new perspectives and emotions leads to more impressive and original images 6. Negative Thoughts and Reasons: - Applying creative approaches may compromise the essence of the original prompt - Experiments and verification can be time-consuming, and finding effective methods can be challenging 7. Background and History: - The importance of prompts in AI image generation has been recognized, and various creative approaches have been explored and experimented with to improve prompt quality. 8. Next Actions: - Apply proposed creative approaches to actual prompts - Evaluate generated illustrations and verify the effectiveness of the methods - Solicit ideas for new approaches and plan experiments - Discuss areas for improvement based on experimental results 9. Future Policy: - Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts to aim for more expressive and original image generation. Establish effective methods through continuous experimentation and improvement to expand the possibilities of AI image generation 10. Overall Findings: - Creative approaches to AI image generation prompts are a promising means of enhancing the expressiveness and originality of images. However, careful application of the methods is required, and continuous improvement through experimentation and verification is essential. 11. Next Discussion Themes: - Share and evaluate experimental results of creative approaches - Brainstorm new approach ideas and plan experiments - Set and improve evaluation criteria for prompts The document should use a clear, structured layout with headings, bullet points, and concise language to effectively convey the information discussed during the meeting.]
















この中に「Adding characters」(文字の追加)がありますが、この指示を拾って上の画像に文字が埋め込まれたものと推測できます。



  1. Meeting Theme: "Creative Approaches to AI Image Generation Prompts"
  2. Overview and Details of Each Meeting:
    • Reversing prompts
    • Inverse narrative
    • Adding characters
    • Musical approach
    • Destroying original elements
  3. Resolutions:
    • Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts
    • Continuously develop and experiment with new methods
  4. Shared Items:
    • Share case studies and insights on creative approaches to prompts
    • Improve methods based on experimental results and feedback
  5. Positive Thoughts and Reasons:
    • Creative approaches greatly expand the possibilities of AI image generation
    • Incorporating new perspectives and emotions leads to more impressive and original images
  6. Negative Thoughts and Reasons:
    • Applying creative approaches may compromise the essence of the original prompt
    • Experiments and verification can be time-consuming, and finding effective methods can be challenging
  7. Background and History:
    • The importance of prompts in AI image generation has been recognized, and various creative approaches have been explored and experimented with to improve prompt quality.
  8. Next Actions:
    • Apply proposed creative approaches to actual prompts
    • Evaluate generated illustrations and verify the effectiveness of the methods
    • Solicit ideas for new approaches and plan experiments
    • Discuss areas for improvement based on experimental results
  9. Future Policy:
    • Actively utilize creative approaches to AI image generation prompts to aim for more expressive and original image generation. Establish effective methods through continuous experimentation and improvement to expand the possibilities of AI image generation.
  10. Overall Findings:
    • Creative approaches to AI image generation prompts are a promising means of enhancing the expressiveness and originality of images. However, careful application of the methods is required, and continuous improvement through experimentation and verification is essential.
  11. Next Discussion Themes:
    • Share and evaluate experimental results of creative approaches
    • Brainstorm new approach ideas and plan experiments
    • Set and improve evaluation criteria for prompts



  1. 会議テーマ:「AI画像生成プロンプトの創造的アプローチ」
  2. 各会議の概要と詳細:
    • プロンプトの逆転
    • 逆ナラティブ
    • キャラクターの追加
    • 音楽的アプローチ
    • 元の要素の破壊
  3. 決議:
    • AI画像生成プロンプトに創造的アプローチを積極的に活用すること
    • 新しい方法を継続的に開発・実験すること
  4. 共有アイテム:
    • プロンプトに対する創造的アプローチのケーススタディや洞察の共有
    • 実験結果とフィードバックに基づいて方法を改善する
  5. 肯定的な考えと理由:
    • 創造的アプローチはAI画像生成の可能性を大幅に拡大する
    • 新しい視点や感情を取り入れることで、より印象的でオリジナルな画像につながる
  6. 否定的な考えと理由:
    • 創造的アプローチの適用は元のプロンプトの本質を損なう可能性がある
    • 実験と検証には時間がかかり、効果的な方法を見つけることが難しい
  7. 背景と歴史:
    • AI画像生成におけるプロンプトの重要性が認識され、プロンプトの品質向上のためにさまざまな創造的アプローチが探求されてきた
  8. 次のアクション:
    • 提案された創造的アプローチを実際のプロンプトに適用する
    • 生成されたイラストを評価し、方法の有効性を検証する
    • 新しいアプローチのアイデアを募集し、実験を計画する
    • 実験結果に基づいて改善すべき点を議論する
  9. 将来の方針:
    • AI画像生成プロンプトに創造的アプローチを積極的に活用し、より表現豊かでオリジナルな画像生成を目指す
    • 持続的な実験と改善を通じて効果的な方法を確立する
  10. 全体の発見:
    • AI画像生成プロンプトへの創造的アプローチは、画像の表現力とオリジナリティを向上させる有望な手段であるが、慎重な適用と持続的な改善が必要
  11. 次の議題:
    • 創造的アプローチの実験結果を共有・評価する
    • 新しいアプローチのアイデアを出し、実験を計画する
    • プロンプトの評価基準を設定し、改善する


まぐまぐさん(@loglogrog)のオリジナルのプロンプトを見ると、一番最後に「--niji 6」という記述があります。

これを調べてみたところ、「Niji journey v6」(にじジャーニー v6)という画像生成AIを使用しているようです。



それと、「Niji journey v6」(にじジャーニー v6)にはかなり興味がわいてきました。









